3.TPM/Czech Republic Prague

The third transnational meeting was hosted by EU&PRO, leading the Virtual Learning Platform for Young Beekeepers, in Prague, Czech Republic. The meeting took place at Locus Workspace s.r.o. meeting room from 20.07.2023 to 21.07.2023 with the participation of project partners. During the meeting, the final version of the Rural Entrepreneurship Toolkit for Youth was presented to all partners by Şırnak University and evaluated. Some feedback was provided on the design of the Rural Entrepreneurship Toolkit for Youth, and deadlines for the final revision were set. Following that, a presentation on the setup and content of the Virtual Learning Platform was delivered by the EU&PRO representative. The draft of the BeeNEET platform, encompassing all steps, was communicated to participant institution officials during this presentation. The last topic of the meeting was project budget management and overall assessment of activities. On the second day, discussions revolved around the date of the next TPM, which was determined to be in Bulgaria. Subsequently, task allocation for the final output was performed, and deadlines for submitting drafts were set. Finally, EU&PRO provided participants with participation certificates for attending the TPM.

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