4.TPM/Bulgaria Targovishte

The leadership of APIS successfully completed the output of Digital Marketing Training Material for Beekeeping in the city of Targovishte, Bulgaria. The meeting took place at HOTEL IDOL meeting room in Targovishte from 31.08.2023 to 01.09.2023, between 09:30 – 16:30. Representatives from all project partners participated in the meeting. The first agenda of the meeting was the current status of the Virtual Learning Platform for Young Beekeepers and its sections and contents. The BeeNEET platform developed by EU&PRO was presented to all partners. Discussions and task assignments were made regarding the sections and contents of the platform. Until the next meeting, all partners were assigned tasks to actively use the platform by logging in. The final version of IO-1, IO-2 translated into the languages of all partner institutions was available in downloadable PDF format in the platform’s final version. Evaluation and discussion were carried out on the drafts submitted for the Digital Marketing Training Material. Decisions were made to revise some sections, and discussions were held on the design of the training material. Common ground was reached on the design based on the joint decisions of the representatives of partner institutions. On the second day of the meeting, general tasks related to project management, evaluation of project management, evaluation and discussions on dissemination activities were conducted. The coordinating institution provided necessary information regarding payments specified in the contract regarding budget transfers. Lastly, the date for the 5th TPM was determined. Participants were provided with participation certificates by APIS for attending the TPM. Similar to Romania in the afternoon, APIS organized a technical tour to its own apiaries and bee product manufacturing facilities.

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