
The second transnational meeting was hosted by CPIP in the city of Timisiora, Romania, at the Atlas Hotel’s Meeting Hall on 27-28.04.2023. Two representatives from each of our partner institutions attended the meeting. During the meeting, the final version of the Report on Youth Studies in Rural Areas, prepared by Şırnak University officials, was presented to the participants. CPIP provided research support in developing and preparing the Rural Entrepreneurship Toolkit for Youth. The preliminary research conducted by CPIP was presented to all partner institutions during the meeting. Distribution of tasks among partners, planned activities, scope, and content of the 2nd IO were determined, and the deadline was set with the consensus of all partners for the preparation of the 2nd IO. Another topic of the meeting was project management, budget allocation, and dissemination activities. Responsibilities of each partner and tasks related to project management were specified by Beytüşşabap Municipality. Each partner institution was asked to publish at least 2 posts on social media platforms every month for dissemination, and for project management, the inclusion of staff time sheet documents in the project drive folder was requested. At the end of the meeting, the progress of the project and its evaluation were discussed with all representatives of the partner institutions. CPIP arranged a visit to the apiary area in Timisiora for the afternoon of the second day of the meeting for us to observe beekeeping activities. We had the opportunity to observe and examine Romanian beekeeping activities firsthand with our project partners. The examination of Romanian apiaries played a significant role in the development of project outputs.

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